VIEW! SELECT1 FULL TESTIT TEMPORARY NUMBERSCOUNTED! TAPENUMBERCHECK SHOWRECORD[ LETTER GETNEXTC AMT2e SEARCHI PICKIT TITLE` CATEGORY RATINGW GETNEXT1 SHOWRECORD1G THENH GETNEXT26 SHOWRECORD2 SHOWRECORD3 GETNEXT3 SHOWRECORD4 GETNEXT4m ACTOR SHOWRECORD5x GETNEXT5 CATEOGORY/ ALTER7 AMT1r START ALTER1 ALTER2 ALTER3 ALTER4 ALTER5 ALTER6~ ALTER7F ALTER8 ALTER9 SAVEIT SELECTIT; SKIPAMT- SKIPENTRIES SKIPALTER2 SKIPALTER3 SKIPALTER4 SKIPALTER5 SKIPALTER8 SKIPALTER9 ENTRIES ENTER1d ENTER2* ENTER3 ENTER4 ENTER5 ENTER8 ENTER9 SAVEIT2 SAVEIT3 SELECTIT2+ TOPRINT TALLY SKIPFOUR SKIPTHREE TALLY2X MOVENUM MOVENUMCHECKV NUMCHECKRETURN SHOWNEXTh NEXT2 PRINTER ADVANCE SKIPX CRITERIA1 INITIALS CRITERIA1p CRITERIA2 SKIP= SKIPX5 SKIPX41 SKIPX3x SKIPX2B SKIPX1& AMTORp ERRORHANDLERL REDISPLAY ALLRECS GETNEXT6J SHOWRECORD6 SKIPX6% BACKUP6d BACKUP5 GETNEXTR BACKUP4 BACKUP2= BACKUP3 BACKUP1 THREE ACTORSX WARNINGL previously| PRINTERSET WARNING2 PRINTERSET2 WARNING5D WARNING6 WARNING4u WARNING3 WARNING1 PRINTERSET1 PRINTERSET3 PRINTERSET4 PRINTERSET5 PRINTERSET6 STORY STORYS GETIT GETTITLE DISPLAYSTORY GETNEXT7; OPENITm WORDS WHATPRINTERCOLORz WHATPRINTER WHATPRINTER2 FOUND ADVER ADVER.001 AWAIT WAITING/ HOLD2 BACKUPSTORY BACKUP% Press ENTER please CATEGORY2 CATEGANDY BACKP2 SHAREIT CONTINUE ADVER.001" ADVER.002" ADVER.003" ADVER.004" ADVER.005" RET.MEN" 99999" TAPES.000" MOVIE TAPE NUMBER " TEMPO"d MOVIES.RECd establishes lengths for strings start of a FOR/NEXT loop, to retrieve entries retrieves whatever entry # code% represents in this particular cycle. NONE FOUND NO MORE MATCHES " LAST ENTRY FIRST ENTRY " routine is sent here when a retrieved entry matches the category chosen to be retrieved LETTER.001 CATEGORY = " these 5 commands print the values of these strings to the screen to be viewed. TAPE # = " RATING = " TITLE = " ACTORS = " " " LETTER.001 BAD ENTRY " " LETTER.000 TITLE - LETTERS" MOVIES.RECd establishes lengths for strings start of a FOR/NEXT loop, to retrieve entries retrieves whatever entry # code% represents in this particular cycle. NONE FOUND NO MORE MATCHES " LAST ENTRY FIRST ENTRY " routine is sent here when a retrieved entry matches the category chosen to be retrieved LETTER.001 CATEGORY = " these 5 commands print the values of these strings to the screen to be viewed. TAPE # = " RATING = " TITLE = " ACTORS = " " " LETTER.001 BAD ENTRY " " CATEGORY.000 ACTION BIOGRAPHICAL COMEDY DRAMA" EDUCATIONAL" FANTASY" HORROR MUSICAL" SCI\FI, SPACE" WESTERN" MOVIE CATEGORY MOVIES.RECd establishes lengths for strings start of a FOR/NEXT loop, to retrieve entries retrieves whatever entry # code% represents in this particular cycle. NONE FOUND NO MORE MATCHES " LAST ENTRY FIRST ENTRY " routine is sent here when a retrieved entry matches the category chosen to be retrieved LETTER.001 CATEGORY = " these 5 commands print the values of these strings to the screen to be viewed. TAPE # = " RATING = " TITLE = " ACTORS = " " " LETTER.001 BAD ENTRY " " RATING.000 MOVIES RATED " MOVIES.RECd establishes lengths for strings start of a FOR/NEXT loop, to retrieve entries retrieves whatever entry # code% represents in this particular cycle. NONE FOUND NO MORE MATCHES " LAST ENTRY FIRST ENTRY " routine is sent here when a retrieved entry matches the category chosen to be retrieved LETTER.001 CATEGORY = " these 5 commands print the values of these strings to the screen to be viewed. TAPE # = " RATING = " TITLE = " ACTORS = " " " LETTER.001 BAD ENTRY " " ACTOR.000" ACTOR INITIALS MOVIES.RECd establishes lengths for strings start of a FOR/NEXT loop, to retrieve entries retrieves whatever entry # code% represents in this particular cycle. NONE FOUND NO MORE MATCHES " LAST ENTRY FIRST ENTRY " routine is sent here when a retrieved entry matches the category chosen to be retrieved LETTER.001 CATEGORY = " these 5 commands print the values of these strings to the screen to be viewed. TAPE # = " RATING = " TITLE = " ACTORS = " " " LETTER.001 BAD ENTRY " " ALTER.000" CATEGORY = " these 5 commands print the values of these strings to the screen to be viewed. TAPE # = RATING = " TITLE = " ACTORS = " " " " " " " Press S to SAVE. R to REDO, or A to ABORT without altering! " Press S, R or A please ENTRIES.000" CATEGORY = " TAPE # = " RATING = " TITLE = " ACTORS = " " " " " " " Press S to SAVE, R to REDO, or ENTER to ABORT without SAVING! Press S, R or ENTER please DATA.DATd 12123" MOVIES.RECd establishes lengths for strings start of a FOR/NEXT loop, to retrieve entries SHARE.000" activate for shareware version. TAPE# RATING RETRIEVED BY " CATEGORY - " CHECK PRINTER! THEN PRESS KEY TO CONTINUE! MOVIES.RECd establishes lengths for strings start of a FOR/NEXT loop, to retrieve entries retrieves whatever entry # code% represents in this particular cycle. LAST ENTRY FIRST ENTRY " routine is sent here when a retrieved entry matches the category chosen to be retrieved ALL MOVIES LISTED LETTER.001 All entries are being viewed, & in the order in which originally entered, and using T to print ALL records, COULD result in an unorganized printout! CATEGORY = " these 5 commands print the values of these strings to the screen to be viewed. TAPE # = " RATING = " TITLE = " ACTORS = " " " BAD ENTRY " " " I sense that printing has been done " previously in this session. You are " about to print ALL records, so make " certain that your Desk Jet printer " is clear of any fed data, or that " your Dot Matrix printer is presently " at the beginning of a page. Then " press P. To Abort printing press A. " " " I sense that printing has been done " previously in this session. You are " about to print ALL records, so make " certain that your Desk Jet printer " is clear of any fed data, or that " your Dot Matrix printer is presently " at the beginning of a page. Then " press P. To Abort printing press A. " " " I sense that printing has been done " previously in this session. You are " about to print ALL records, so make " certain that your Desk Jet printer " is clear of any fed data, or that " your Dot Matrix printer is presently " at the beginning of a page. Then " press P. To Abort printing press A. " " " I sense that printing has been done " previously in this session. You are " about to print ALL records, so make " certain that your Desk Jet printer " is clear of any fed data, or that " your Dot Matrix printer is presently " at the beginning of a page. Then " press P. To Abort printing press A. " " " I sense that printing has been done " previously in this session. You are " about to print ALL records, so make " certain that your Desk Jet printer " is clear of any fed data, or that " your Dot Matrix printer is presently " at the beginning of a page. Then " press P. To Abort printing press A. " " " I sense that printing has been done " previously in this session. You are " about to print ALL records, so make " certain that your Desk Jet printer " is clear of any fed data, or that " your Dot Matrix printer is presently " at the beginning of a page. Then " press P. To Abort printing press A. " " TEMP5"d STORIES.REC"d NO STORYLINE AVAILABLE! " NO MORE MATCHING TITLES! FIRST ENTRY " STORIES.000" MOVIES.RECd establishes lengths for strings start of a FOR/NEXT loop, to retrieve entries Press 1 for Desk Jet or laser printer " Press 2 for Dot Matix printer! " Press 3 for Menu, or 4 to Quit! "